1. What newsgroups is this?
UFO's newgroups, alt.perico.vistors
2. Who sent the first message?
RON, raulbg@hotmail.com
3. When did he send it?
01 March 2000
4.Where was flight KN162 going?
From Dallas to Fargo
5.What did the pilot see?
He saw in UFO
6.Who sent the second message?
Ben & Thelma
7.What was the object?
An Ufo report, explotion of posible experimental flying military test
8.Why do they think so?
Cause most of the UFO's are saucer-shaped like the one that was crached at Roswell
9.What did the coastguard see?
He saw 3 winged crafts over Cape Cod
10.What was he doing?
He was looking for a missing fashing board.