jueves, 10 de abril de 2008

E-mail And Newsgroups

1. What newsgroups is this?
UFO's newgroups, alt.perico.vistors
2. Who sent the first message?
RON, raulbg@hotmail.com
3. When did he send it?
01 March 2000
4.Where was flight KN162 going?
From Dallas to Fargo
5.What did the pilot see?
He saw in UFO
6.Who sent the second message?
Ben & Thelma
7.What was the object?
An Ufo report, explotion of posible experimental flying military test
8.Why do they think so?
Cause most of the UFO's are saucer-shaped like the one that was crached at Roswell
9.What did the coastguard see?
He saw 3 winged crafts over Cape Cod
10.What was he doing?
He was looking for a missing fashing board.

lunes, 28 de enero de 2008

Description of a LAN

the is a computing a consulting roomod other in the practice manager roon and recepcion.
It also connects the center whith local health board.The receptionits use the PC mainly for appoiments, the doctors use it to get drugs information, to write, to check and to save patients records and for prescriptions.

jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2007

Updating our storage devices

Cd Rom:CD ROMs disks are very common and conform to a standard. They are removable and there are different types of CD-ROM:

CD-ROM R (Read Only Memory) Capacity from 700 MB o 800MB
CD-ROM RW (ReWritable) Capacity from 700MB o 800MB
DVD-ROM R (Read Only Memory) Capacity from 4,7GB o 8GB

DVD-ROM RW (ReWritable) Capacity from 4,7GB o 8GB.

Pen Drive:We need a USB port.
- The diferent tipes capacity.
-The standard capacity is 1 o 2 GB.
-The pen drive is portable.

lunes, 10 de diciembre de 2007

We need a new printer.

I need to print in colour, but I don’t mind if it is not fast. What kind of printer should I buy?

- You should buy an inkjet printer. Because the inkjet printer is cheaper than a laser printer but it is slowler.

I need to print really fast. I’m not going to use colour or images. Shall I buy an inkjet printer?

- Don't buy an inkjet printer because it is slowler. You should buy a laser printer because it is faster.

jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2007

What are they for?


You can use the microphone to tax and comunicated with others.


Using Scanner you can introduce documents in pc

Joysticks are used in many games to control the game screen.

lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2007

Rare MoUSe

This will be the future of mouse?

Mouse Body

Mouse Hot

jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2007

The Best Mouse



A laser mouse and a LED mouse are both optical.
A laser mouse is more expensive than LED mouse but it is better. The laser mouse is 20 times more sensitive than a conventional optical. It works better on subtle surfaces like highly polished wood, shiny or slick. It also works better on rough surfaces, so I advise you to buy a laser mouse.